Setsubun Sai, Yasaka Shrine, February 2nd & 3rd
Setsubun Getting rid of misfortune & welcoming spring

February 3rd, which is one day before Risshun (the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar), is called Setsubun in Japan. It's not a national holiday, but is widely celebrated throughout Japan. Mame maki (bean throwing) ceremonies are performed on Setsubun. Traditionally, people throw roasted soy beans throughout their home, shouting 'oni wa soto' (demons out) and 'fuku wa uchi' (fortune in). These beans are called fuku mame (fortune beans). It is believed that people will be healthy and happy if they eat the number of fuku mame equal to their age.

Eating fortune sushi rolls is another Japanese custom on Setsubun. You should face west southwest this year while you silently eat your sushi roll. Bean throwing ceremonies are held at many temples and shrines around the country. People visit shrines and temples to get beans and thus obtain good fortune. Visit shrines and temples near you in Kyoto on Setsubun.
Setsubunsai, Yasaka Shrine
Feb. 2 & 3
The ceremony starts from 13:00; Auspicious soy bean scattering, Ama-sake (Japanese sweet sake) service and amulet offering; On these two days beautiful maiko from all four of Kyoto's flower towns will visit this shrine and scatter beans (dance from 13:00).
Access: Kyoto City Bus #206, get off at Gion; Tel: 075-561-6155;