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How to Make Miso Soup


Do you want to know how to make miso soup?

Here is easy version of miso soup recipe. It is really good for you and tasty.

Miso Soup: Serves 4

Water 4 cup( 800ml)

Miso 3 table spoon

Instant Dashi powder 4g (2g +2g)

Vegetable(Example, potatoes, daikon radish and spring onion etc.) and cut wakame/cut tofu

Miso Soup

Put water and half of dashi powder (2g) into your pan.

Heat up 1 soup and Simmer any hard ingredients (potatoes and daikon radish) and Aburaage(when you use it).

Mushroom, shellfish and root vegetable are from water will make better flavour.

When the water boiled, put tofu and/or wakame.

Turn off the hob, and then put Miso in to the pan.

Avoid miso lumps-Put some soup from pan into small miso bowl, and then whisk first. Miso is delicate. If you cook it for long time the flavour will weak.

Remaining half dashi powder put the pan.

Second dashi powder will keep full of dashi flavour.

Sprinkle Spring onion.

Heat it up with high heat again, immediately turn off hob after the boiling. And then serve.

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